
2014-04-24 - 2014-04-26
E-Didactics and Design
Location: Berlin
  • Keynote by an external expert on the role of e-didactics in the future.
  • How important is the design of educational products in the future? Can design help learning?
  • What does interaction look like between functionality, content and design? Are we speaking about UX-design in the future? See: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovj4hFxko7c
  • Does digital also have influence on printed materials? Do "inner didactics" of an educational product change if it becomes digital?
  • Pros and cons of photos, illustrations, audio, video material used as part of a product series. Which subjects benefit most? What is the best relation between the assets.
  • How does a living e-book look like compared to a static e-book (pdf)?
  • Importance of typeface choice? What is the role of typeface?