
12 Network meetings and conference 2016

There will be two network meetings in 2016 and one big conference. The conference will be open to non members of the EEPG and we would like to invite people who are in government and make educational politics especially. As has been discussed many times, because of their "helicopter perspective", those responsible for curricula or educational reform are often so far removed from reality that both students and teachers as well as those providing teaching materials suffer. Please do send me contact addresses from ministries and universities who we should invite for the conference.
The topic of the conference will be along the lines of "New trends in pedagogy and teaching. From kindergarten to vocational schools, from assessment to visualization. How does technology influence learning? What does his mean for curricula development, what is the (new) role of the teacher, what is the publishers position in the triangle of curricula development, teaching and learning?"
Here are the dates for all the network meetings. Please note that network meetings last for a day and a half with a welcome dinner on the evening before, while the conference is a two-day event, also with a dinner on the first day. There is a small fee for the conference to cover expenses. For non-members the fee will be higher. You will be able to register online from the first of January. A detailed description for each event will also be online.
  • Aarhus May 12. - 13. (decision makers)
  • Athens June 9. - 10. (copyright)
  • Berlin September 15. - 17. (conference)