Tel Aviv network meeting for decision makers (March 2017)
A big thank you to our hosts CET who made this a remarkable meeting both with the organization and hospitality, and giving us all the opportunity to attend the Shaping the Future conference. There were 24 participants from 10 countries (not counting our hosts). During the intensive two days of keynotes and presentations there were very lively and inspiring discussions amongst the members and in exchange with the keynote speakers. As always, there are different priorities about issues in the member countries, but there is a common ground. Yet again, digital and how to make money out of it were one of the key topics but there was also a focus on:
- state influence
- coping with changing demographics
- becoming a service provider (for example providing teacher training)
- helping schools with data for individualization
- fending off the big players in the market
- ensuring quality in curricula.
Both keynote speakers gave interesting insights into the changing world of education, Henry Warren as a former Pearson employee, now working with emerging markets in Africa, and Kirsten Campbell-Howes as the director of education at Busuu, a very successful start-up in language learning. Kirsten talked mainly about the inner workings of a start-up and the challenges of managing teams of people, while Henry explored the different ways big and small companies have dealt with disruption.
Clustered around the keynotes were interesting presentations by the hosts and the participants. Due to various holidays - and despite me chasing up participants, only a few presentations are online so far. Please check
this link in the near future. One of the (many) highlights of the network meeting was a trip to the Green School in Kfar Saba, where we had the opportunity to observe different classes and were led around the facilities (which are impressive) by a group of young students with very good English.
But of course, there was also ample opportunity to discuss and exchange ideas. Here is a photo of one of the dinners on the wonderful beach front of Tel Aviv.
For those participants who stayed for the Shaping the Future conference, there was a n opportunity to use the "bridge day" for an organized trip (by CET) to Jerusalem and the Dead Sea. Artur Dyro took some great pictures, so please
contact him if you were on the trip and want to see the photos.