
IPA/EPF meetings and activities

Most of you will probably receive the IPA newsletter anyway, but for those who don't, here is a brief report about the Educational Open Forum at the Frankfurt Book Fair.

The next meeting of the EPF will take place in Tallin on December the 5th. Here's the agenda. If there is anything that interests you specifically, please contact me before. Otherwise, I will make all published papers available after the meeting.

09:10 EPF & IPA matters
  • Present and apologies; Welcome to new EPF members
  • Approval of Agenda; Matters Arising from EPF #27 Geneva
  • Confirm: EPF Organization and Governance Memorandum [paper]
  • Confirm: EPF Strategic Focus [paper]
  • Confirm: schedule of EPF meetings and events to end 2018 (dates and venues)
  • Confirm: EPF Budget for 2018 (from IPA)
09:30 Host speaker: Antti Rammo, Avita Publishers, Tallinn:
  • Overview of the market and the activities of publishers in Estonia (and the Baltic states?
10:20 Break
10:45 Guest speaker: René Montenarie, GEU (Dutch educational publishers association):
  • Digitalization and public-private co-operation in Dutch education
11:30 The Value of (Educational) Publishing
  • Presentation and discussion: launching a new EPF campaign
12:00 Country Reports and Case Studies (<10 minute sessions), provisionally including:
  • Events in Finland (Sakari)
  • Government activity in Poland (Myron)
  • Challenges for publishers in Romania (Ilas)
  • Update from Germany: federal government digital strategy (Andreas)
  • Workbooks in Ireland (Brian)
13:00 Lunch
13:45 EPF 'Freedom to Publish' Collaboration: Case Studies
  • Iceland (Heidar) [paper]
  • Greece [paper]
14:30 Public Affairs & Advocacy:
  • Update: Digital Single Market Directive: educational exceptions and copyright (Enrico)
  • Progress report: EPF-FEP coordination on EU affairs (Stephan)
  • Developments around WIPO SCCR #35, 13-17 November 2017 (José)
  • UNESCO position on OERs (José)
  • EPF presentation at FIL Guadalajara, 27 November (Jaume)
  • IPA Position Paper on Educational Exceptions [paper]; endorse latest version
15:15 Upcoming EPF activity
  • BETT show, London, 24-27 January 2018
  • EPF panel at IPA Congress, New Delhi, 10-14 February 2018
  • EPF panel at What Works? 2018
  • IPA-EPF statistics [paper]: agree policy/action
15:30 Confirm actions agreed

15:45 Any other business/ Adjourn

For this meeting, the participants will prepare country reports. I have put the last EPF country reports (aggregated for 2016 and 06/2017) on the EEPG website in the members' section. There might be some new insights that go over and above the EEPG country reports we published on the same page after the last AGM.