VERITAS Verlagsgesellschaft
Since 1972 (founded in 1945), VERITAS, which is part of the CORNELSEN Verlagsholding company, been providing pupils and teachers in Austria with high quality textbooks, workbooks, pedagogical material and multimedia for all levels of teaching up till and including secondary school.
In all our books and materials, we aim to present a problem in its entirety and to reach a learning process that appeals to the emotional, intellectual and practical abilities of the learner in order for our publications to provide the optimal learning frames.
VERITAS Verlags- und Handelsgesellschaft m.b.H. & co. OG PF 50
Hafenstraße 2a
AT-4020 Linz
Tel.: 43 7 32 77 64 51-2280 | Fax: 43 7 32 77 64 51-2239
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