2. Network meetings in Vilnius and Tel Aviv
2019 July 11-12 Trakai/Vilnius Network meeting: Product quality as a key factor in successful marketing (BELMA and beyond)
28 participants made this a very good and useful meeting. The list of participants, together with the agenda can be downloaded on the website in the members' area.
As in Ljubljana in 2018, Katie Roden gave inspiring insights, this time focusing on how quality can help your company and your products stand out from the crowd. Her presentation and workshop material are available on the website as well as all the other presentations by our hosts Sviesa and participants from 14 countries.
The program included an excursion to Trakai castle and a visit to a private school Siaurės licėjus.
2019 September 17-20 Tel Aviv Network meeting "Education 2030"
The network meeting was organized by our hosts CET in conjunction with the "
Shaping the future conference". You can watch many of the
presentations of Shaping the future here.
Again, 14 countries were represented at the network meeting and in addition to the agenda and the list of participants, the presentations can be downloaded from the website. One of the interesting outcomes of this meeting was the realization that all educational publishers big or small) are confronted with similar issues and that it is important to learn from each other, exchange ideas and work together.