3. AGM in Frankfurt
The AGM in Frankfurt was attended by 19 members. We picked up on many of the issues already discussed in previous years and made good progress concerning the budget and fee issues. The minutes, final budget and the financial report will be online in January. For the first time, this year, we had a guest speaker from SpaceEU, Leiden University. Michelle Willebrands encouraged publishers to get in touch and use free materials for their science and math books and programs.
Here are the contact details and the presentation.
For the second time, the AGM was followed by dinner in Fleming's restaurant, where again, there was a lively exchange of ideas.
This is the new board for 2020 which was elected unanimously:
Chairperson: Kina Andreeva, Prosveta, Bulgaria
Members: Artur Dyro, Learnetic, Poland; Irmantas Svazas, Sviesa, Lithuania: Carles Vidal, Vicens Vives, Spain.
A management board meeting is taking place on February 3rd in Barcelona, when we will finalize the decisions taken at the AGM and finish allocating the budget. One of the results of the AGM was to increase the budget for the websites and social media accounts to make them more efficient tools to promote EEPG and BELMA. And it was again pointed out at the AGM, that if members need individual support by the director or other members this will be facilitated where possible. An example of this was the EEPG involvement and talk at the Prague Education Festival in November at the request of our member Fraus. Another case was the request by Francisco Deslandes Heitor from Leya (Texto editores) to exchange experiences about a textbook purchasing programme.