4. Frankfurt Book Fair - is it going to happen?
I was waiting for a final decision whether the book fair in Frankfurt is going to take place or not. Obviously, this will influence all of the EEPG's further events this year (and maybe next year's also). I've been watching the discussions in the media, but apparently, a decision is not forthcoming in the next few days. As soon as decisions - one way or another - are taken, I will let you know.
Personally, I think it will be very difficult to have the fair, even if the travel restrictions are lifted. Very likely there will still be quarantine stipulations in different countries and especially travellers from outside of the EU/Europe will find it much harder to attend. But the book fair thrives on these customers. Having talked to some of you and many contacts outside the EEPG, there is a real reluctance to attend the fair even if it takes place.
The best option for everybody would be if the German government stopped the fair as it already has stopped the Oktoberfest and other large international gatherings. That way, compensation for all participants would be made possible. As the situation is now, many potential exhibitors have already put down payments for the stands and my understanding is that it will be very difficult to cancel these without loosing the down payments.