
5. Network meetings/conference

  1. Online network meeting : Reaching your customers during the Covid-19 pandemic - July 24th.
    Technology: Zoom with full participation of members. 100 members max. Presentations will be available as recordings and slides. Please see details here. If you like to give a presentation in one of the 8 longer time slots (10-12 min), please write. So far, I have had confirmation for presentations from Fraus, Czech Republic; Systime, Denmark; Rokus Klett; Slovenia; Prosveta, Bulgaria. So, there are 4 more longer slots available as well as a number of short ones.
    The meeting will be co-moderated by Katie Roden, who will also give insights into how other industries managed to reach their customers.
  2. Online pre-conference (half day): New teacher roles during the 2020 pandemic. -last quarter of 2020, date to be confirmed.

  3. Physical conference in Copenhagen (One and a half day) The changing role of the teacher in the 2020s. - first half of 2021, date to be confirmed.

  4. 2021 04 22-23 Barcelona EEPG decision makers and business developers: Learning Analytics - good and/or bad.