
6. Virtual network meeting on innovation

Due to the Corona situation, there was only one network meeting in 2021 - and this was also totally virtual. It was held on May 27th and 28th and called " The EEPG market place for product and concept innovation". It was attended by a majority of members. The first keynote was given by Professor Renee Hobbs, on " Propaganda vs Education in a Digital Age", the second one was given on day 2 by Guy Levi on " Design-Thinking and Lean Startup Methods in creating a competencies and skills based curriculum for the New Normal".

The videos can be watched under https://www.eepg.org/2021_1.html

While the keynote speakers focused on theory, the presentations by the members were much more practical and showcased their innovative poducts and concepts that had been given a major push through the pandemic. The presentation were not confined to product placement but also showcased marketing innovation. The presentations are embedded in the videos, but here are the topics:

Day 1.
  • Learnetic - Schools in lockdown - new roles and features of our eLearning platform
  • Systime - The flatrate model (educational content as a streaming service)
  • Lattes Editori - Using virtual reality to teach art history
Day 2.
  • Kreativni Centar - Picture books as a textbook marketing tool
  • Rokus Klett - My subject - a one stop solution for teachers to find all the relevant information regarding their subject
  • Profil Klett - IZZI KVIZZI, an online knowledge competition project
  • Ranok - Let bots work, how we automate routine tasks
  • Cornelsen - Chat class - leveraging AI to Speak better English