Introduction / activities
Between the last newsletter in May and this one, we have been very busy with successful network meetings, lobbying (more or less successfully) in Romania, and a great BELMA.
The AGM in Frankfurt on October 10th was attended by more members than ever. Some very important issues were discussed and the minutes can be found on the website in the members' section.
The website will undergo major refurbishment, making it much easier to navigate and more along the design of the new BELMA website. This is made possible by the new fee structure which will allow some more money to be spent on these issues.
The fee for members will be raised to Euro 4400 a year. New members (Art Klett in 2017) will pay Euro 2900 in the first year.
Please be reminded to volunteer for participation in the management board in 2019! Both Søren Peter and Carmo will not be able to stay another year due to commitments in the workplace. It would be very nice if we could have volunteers from members who have not been on the board ...