3. Network Meeting and London conference
The second network meeting in 2018 took place in Helsinki on 14th and 15th of June. It was hosted by Otava and focussed on the "Changing Role of the Publisher" with two sub topics: from "Product portfolio to service portfolio (business models)" and "Best Practices: R&D Cooperation with Schools".
The meeting was attended by 23 colleagues from CET (Israel), CJ Fallon (Ireland), Learnetic (Poland), Otava (Finland), Profil Klett (Croatia), Vicens Vives (Spain), prosveta (Bulgaria), Ranok (Ukraine), Sviesa (Lithuania) and Zvaigzne (Latvia).
Day one was spent in Otava's wonderful rural conference centre in Toukola.
Teuvo Sankila sent a video clip because he was still at the conference in London about "How can textbooks help raise attainment and reduce inequalities?". Please go to
this blog to find out more about it.
In Toukola, Nona Ratia from Otava, presented a publishing house inside a publishing house and showed how new ideas can be tried out inside a well-established context in general as in educational publishing. Case studies form Finland, Ireland, Poland, Ukraine and Spain (a joint publisher/university project) focused on diverse challenges both political and technical.
Day two was spent in the hotel Torni in Helsinki and started with the keynote by Najat Quakrim-Soivio on "Assessment and Evaluation". The speaker gave some very interesting insights into both the Finnish education system and the different methods of assessment and evaluation. This was followed by case studies from Finland, Lithuania and Latvia and a report by Teuvo Sankila about the above mentioned conference.
The presentations and the detailed agenda can be downloaded from the new
EEPG website. Please note that you have to be logged in.