Copyright issues / WIPO
The issues of copyright in the digital age remain complicated and confusing, especially since individual countries have their own laws and regulations. It was discussed in April at the meeting in Belgrade that we should have regular networks dealing with these issues. Suggestions will be made at the AGM in Frankfurt. Meanwhile here are some useful links.
As you probably know WIPO (World Intellectual Property Association) regularly publishes information material, often on music and arts but also on print and digital. Have a look at this
list of publications.
I found this paper a very good introduction to the copyright questions in printing: Educational Material on Collective Management of Copyright and Related Rights -
Module 4: Management of rights in print and publishing. Unfortunately, there is nothing specific on the educational industry.
Most of you will be familiar with the WIPO study on limitations and Exceptions. If not, here is the link to the
revised 2015 study.