Ranok Publishing House
RANOK Publishing House (the core company in Ranok Corporation) has been successfully working in Ukraine since 1997. Ranok specialises primarily in children's and educational literature and has gained a high reputation in this field.
The educational department of PH Ranok publishes developmental materials for children as well as educational, didactic and methodological literature for all levels of education: from nursery and kindergarten to high school. Currently, PH Ranok has more than 2000 titles of educational literature and course materials in print. All subjects and school levels are covered by Ranok's portfolio.
Ranok has offices in all regions of Ukraine, and offices abroad: in the Republic of Moldova, the Republic of Belarus and the Republic of Kazakhstan. Its powerful logistics centre with more than 17 900 shelf-storage places for more than 31 000 SKU, and a bookshop chain consisting of more than 30 shops mean that the Publishing House can provide a good quality range of products with fast and efficient production and supply, and excellent customer service.