Thanks to our wonderful and generous hosts Prosveta, our inspiring keynote speakers and the very active participation of all attendees, we had a great meeting.
We even had Europe-wide attention since the meeting was opened by
Commissioner Mariya Gabriel, Digital Economy and Society, European Commission. She promptly reported about this on her Facebook Account.
This is probably the right moment to remind you that the EEPG is on
Facebook and
LinkedIn and that there is also a
BELMA FaceBook page. Please like!
The first keynote about the report about European copyright law by Margarita Guigova was heavy stuff and not that easily digested - well, it is a complicated and rather dry topic, but an important one. You will find (
when loged on as a member) hers as well as all the other presentations on our
network meeting website. Even if you don't read all of Margarita's summary of the situation, this can serve as an excellent work of reference for everybody who has to get their teeth into the copyright reform. Please note that in the end, she doesn't answer the question whether the reform is a success or not. Her message is that every country on their own has got to make the best of it.
While you are checking out her summary, please also look at all the other excellent presentations by our members. The talks were very divers and covered many issues from making the most of the current copyright situation in Poland to trying to deal with a shrinking workbook market in Slovenia. Check the agenda, which is also online to see what interests you most.
The only presentation we don't have online yet, is Brian Gilsenan's, who talked about the image campaign being prepared by the IPA. As soon as that has been approved by the IPA, I will send more information about it.

After a great city tour and a lovely dinner at Cosmos on Thursday evening, ...
... day 2 started with the keynote by Chris Herron of
Vivagogy. It is always inspiring to hear and see how people think outside of our professional silos. There are four different files by Chris on our website in the Network section, his presentation and lots of background information about transversal competencies and 21st century skills. It might be a good idea to check them all out.
Some members used the opportunity on Saturday to visit Plovdiv, one of the culture capitals of Europe 2019. We had a great day with a very knowledgeable and witty tour guide Stephan, and we had a delicious lunch at the generous invitation of Prosveta. We cannot thank Joana Tomova and Kina Andreeva and all of their team enough for those wonderful three days.